Below are our articles on the subject of Illness. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Larger Companies More Supportive?
A look at the different ways in which large or small companies can be supportive to an employee returning to work after a period of illness....

Being on Sick Leave When Redundancies Are Made
Understanding what you are entitled to when redundancies are made during your sick leave....

Dealing With Criticism From Colleagues When You Are Ill
How to handle criticisms from colleagues when you return to work after illness, including little comments and bullying in the workplace...

Employment Regulations When You Are Ill
An article discussing your rights and entitlements when you are ill in the workplace...

Feeling Tired at Work Because of Illness
Suggestions for managing feeling tired when you return to work after an illness, with ideas for successfully managing your workload...

How to Handle an Unsympathetic Boss
Suggestions on how to handle an unsympathetic boss when you are dealing with illness in the workplace....

How Your Work Priorities May Change After Illness
An introduction to how your priorities may change after experiencing illness, with common issues such as reassessing your work/life balance and attitudes to money and…...

Informing Your Employer You Are Absent
How to keep your employer informed when you are unwell, whether it is a short term or long term illness...

Long Term Illness: Are You Ready to go Back to Work?
Discussing the practicalities of returning to work after a long term illness - how to know you are ready to return, in terms of money, emotion and health...

Return to Work Part Time After Illness
How to request and prepare for returning to work part time following a period of illness....

The Physical Effects Of Illness in The Workplace
A guide to dealing with the physical effects on your illness when you return to work...

What if Your Job has Changed?
A guide to how your job may have changed when you return to work after an illness, such as project changes, regulatory changes and a temporary member of staff taking…...

When Colleagues Are Embarrassed About Your Illness
A guide to managing your colleagues emotional reactions when you return to work after dealing with an illness...

When Do You Need a Doctor's Note?
Details of the new 'fit note' that has replaced the 'sick note' with information on when you need to obtain one if you are ill....